Types of DC Motor

Types of DC Motor: The commonly used Types of DC Motor are shown in Fig. 5.1. In a separately excited motor, the field and armature voltages can be controlled independent…

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Current Limit Control of Drives

Current Limit Control of Drives: Current Limit Control of Drives scheme of Fig. 3.3 is employed to limit the converter and motor current below a safe limit during transient operations.…

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Modes of Operation of Electrical Drive

Modes of Operation of Electrical Drive: Three types of Modes of Operation of Electrical Drive: Steady-State Acceleration including starting Deceleration including stopping As we know already, steady-state operation takes place…

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Motor Design Parameters

Motor Design Parameters: Different parts of a load may be coupled through different mechanisms, such as gears, V-belts and crankshaft. These parts may have different speeds and different types of…

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Four Quadrant Operation of Motor Drive

Four Quadrant Operation of Motor Drive: For consideration of Four Quadrant Operation of Motor Drive, it is useful to establish suitable conventions about the signs of torque and speed. Motor…

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Telemetry in Electronic Communications

Telemetry in Electronic Communications: Telemetry in Electronic Communications consists of performing measurements on distant objects. Although hydraulic or wire circuits may be used for this purpose, this section will deal…

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