Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker

Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker: In Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker (SF6) gas is used as the arc quenching medium. The SF6 is an electro-negative gas and has a strong tendency to…

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Voltage Control by Synchronous Condenser

Voltage Control by Synchronous Condenser: The voltage at the receiving end of a transmission line can be controlled by installing specially designed synchronous motors called synchronous condensers at the receiving…

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Three Phase Unbalanced Load

Three Phase Unbalanced Load: The 3-phase loads that have the same impedance and power factor in each phase are called balanced loads. The problems on balanced loads can be solved…

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AC Distribution Calculations

AC Distribution Calculations: AC Distribution Calculations differ from those of d.c. distribution in the following respects : In case of d.c. system, the voltage drop is due to resistance alone.…

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Booster Generator

Booster Generator: A Booster Generator is a D.C. generator whose function is to inject or add certain voltage into a circuit so as to compensate the IR drop in the…

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Three Phase Service Cable

Three Phase Service Cable: In practice, underground cables are generally required to deliver 3-phase power. For the purpose, either three-core cable or three single core cables may be used. For…

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Insulating Materials for Underground Cables

Insulating Materials for Underground Cables: The satisfactory operation of a cable depends to a great extent upon the characteristics of insulation used. Therefore, the proper choice of Insulating Materials for…

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