Types of Steel Rolling Mills

Types of Steel Rolling Mills: Types of Steel Rolling Mills are either hot rolled or cold rolled. These may be either reversing type or continuous type. The motors used for…

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Control of AC Motors Torque Control

Control of AC Motors Torque Control: From the foregoing discussion forĀ Control of AC Motors Torque Control it is clear that the motors used for textile applications must have high starting…

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Symmetrical Optimum

Symmetrical Optimum: Symmetrical Optimum - Sometimes automatic control systems contain integrating also besides firstĀ order delay elements, proportional elements and deadzones. Such a system when compensated on the basis of magnitude…

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Routh Hurwitz Criterion

Routh Hurwitz Criterion: The Routh Hurwitz Criterion states that the system is stable if the Routh table has no negative elements in the first column. The roots of the characteristic…

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Stability Control Drives

Stability Control Drives: The concept of stability is very well known. By the term stability one implies the ability of a system to return to its original position or attain…

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Polar Plot for Frequency Response

Polar Plot for Frequency Response: One of them is the Polar Plot for Frequency Response representation. The transfer function in the frequency domain is obtained by substituting jĻ‰ for s…

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