Power from Renewable Energy Articles:

Hydel Power Plant – Definition, Working Principle and Advantages: Power of water – Hydel Power Plant is a clean and cheap source of energy. The basic principle of hydropower is that when water is piped from a higher level to a lower … (Read More)

Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant
Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant: Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant (or) Hydel power plant are Reservoir Dam Trash rack Surge tank Fore bay Pen stock Spill way Power house Draft tube Reservoir: The main purpose of a reservoir is to store the water during rainy season and to supply the same during … (Read More)

Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plant: The Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plant includes several structures like dam, conduits intakes, surge tank, power house and many others. It requires several investigation and study to determine the most economical solution. The following factors … (Read More)

Classification of Hydraulic Turbines: The important classification of hydraulic turbines are: 1. According to the type of energy Impulse turbine, and Reaction turbine If the energy available at the inlet of the turbine is only kinetic energy, the turbine is known as impulse turbine eg. … (Read More)

Kaplan Turbine Working Principle
Kaplan Turbine Working Principle: The water from the scroll casing flows over the guide vanes. It is deflected through an angle of 90° in between guide vanes and runner. Then it flows axially into the runner. … (Read More)

Oil Pressure Governor and its Working Principle
Oil Pressure Governor and its Working Principle: The primary purpose of a governor for a hydro electric unit is to control the speed and loading of the unit. It is accomplished by controlling the flow of water through turbine. In Normal … (Read More)

Selection of Hydraulic Turbines: It is very important to select the type of Hydraulic turbine which will give maximum possible efficiency. The Selection of Hydraulic Turbines always match specific conditions under which it has to operate and attain maximum possible efficiency. The … (Read More)

Micro Hydel Power Plant - Components and its Workings
Micro Hydel Power Plant – Components and its Workings: Micro Hydel Power Plant was the most common way of electricity generating in the early 20th century. The first commercial use of hydroelectric power to produce electricity was a waterwheel on the … (Read More)

Turgo Turbine Working Principle
Turgo Turbine Working Principle: The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. It works with net heads between 15 and 300 m. It is a modification of the … (Read More)

Wind Energy and Wind Power Plant
Wind Energy and Wind Power Plant: Wind is a form of solar energy. It is caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun due to the irregularities of the earth’s surface, and rotation of the earth. Wind flow … (Read More)

Tidal Power Plant - Types and Working Principle
Tidal Power Plant – Types and Working Principle: Introduction to tidal power plant – Gravitational force between the moon, the sun and the earth causes the rhythmic rising and lowering of ocean water, around the world that results in tide waves. … (Read More)

Pumped Storage Power Plant - Operating Modes and Types
Pumped Storage Power Plant – Operating Modes and Types: Introduction – Pumped Storage Power Plant are generally used for peak loads. An interconnected system of pumped storage plants are more suitable, when the quantity of water available for power generation is insufficient in … (Read More)

Types of Solar Power Plant
Types of Solar Power Plant: The surface of earth receives energy of 1014 kW from the sun. It is evident that sun will last for 1011 year. Even though the sun light is filtered by atmosphere, for every one square meter … (Read More)

Geothermal Power Plant Working Principle
Geothermal Power Plant Working Principle: The growing demand of power will exhaust all fossil fuel sources in few decades. Therefore there is a permanent need for unconventional energy sources such as sun, wind, tidal and … (Read More)

OTEC Power Plant
OTEC Power Plant: Introduction – OTEC Power Plant or Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is an energy technology, which uses the ocean’s natural temperature gradient to drive a turbine, which is connected to a generator. It is desirable that the temperature difference … (Read More)

Biogas Power Plant Working, Site Selection and Application
Biogas Power Plant Working, Site Selection and Application: Introduction – Biogas is a combustible gas mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen sulphide produced during the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. During anaerobic digestion, wastes are treated and degraded and … (Read More)

Fuel Cell Working Principle and Schematic Diagram
Fuel Cell Working Principle and Schematic Diagram: Fuel Cell Working Principle explains that it is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy of a conventional fuel directly into low voltage D.C. electrical energy. It is then described as a primary battery … (Read More)

MHD Power Plant Working Principle
MHD Power Plant Working Principle: MHD Power Plant or Magneto Hydro Dynamic is concerned with the flow of a conducting fluid in the presence of magnetic and electric field. The fluid may be gas at elevated temperature or liquid like sodium … (Read More)