Speed Control of AC Commutator Motors
Speed Control of AC Commutator Motors: Speed control of ac commutator motors can be had either by varying the applied voltage or by movement of the brushes round the commutator.…
Speed Control of AC Commutator Motors: Speed control of ac commutator motors can be had either by varying the applied voltage or by movement of the brushes round the commutator.…
Electric Motor Speed Torque Characteristics: A Electric motor speed torque characteristics is defined as the relationship between the speed at which it operates and the torque it develops, ω = f(T).…
Special Features of Thyristor Drive Motors: The most commonly used dc motors for thyristor drive are separately excited and series excited dc motors. The thyristor drive motors usually differ from…
Different Groups of Systems of Electric Traction: As already mentioned, systems of electric traction may be divided into two main groups. (1) The group consisting of vehicles which receive electric…
Thyristor Control of Electric Motors Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why the thyristor control is preferred over Ward Leonard system of speed control ? Ans. The thyristor control has some…
Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives: The commonly used Conventional DC and AC Traction Drives are The dc Traction Drives Employing Resistance Control: The dc traction drives employing resistance control…
Traction Motors: Motors Employed in Traction : Earlier, dc series motor was widely used in Traction Motors. It has high starting torque and capability for high torque overloads. With an…
DC Machines Articles: Introduction of DC Motor: Introduction of DC Motor is constructed in many forms and for a variety of purposes, from the 3-mm stepper drawing a few μA…