Auto Reclosing Scheme
Auto Reclosing Scheme: Auto Reclosing Scheme - It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system as they…
Auto Reclosing Scheme: Auto Reclosing Scheme - It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system as they…
Motor Protection: Motor Protection - There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems affecting the choice of protection are independent of the…
Direct Connected Generator Protection: Direct connected generators are normally of smaller ratings and a typical scheme of Direct Connected Generator Protection for a 30 MW generator is shown in Fig.…
Prime Mover Protection: In the event of prime-mover failure the machine starts motoring meaning thereby that it draws electrical power from the system and drives the prime-mover. This condition imposes…
Unbalanced Loading Protection of Generator: Unbalanced Loading Protection of Generator - Whatever be the cause of the unbalance it is obvious that the negative phase sequence current will result in…
Loss of Excitation Protection: Two distinct effects of Loss of Excitation Protection are that the machine starts drawing magnetizing current of large magnitude from the system, and the slip frequency…
Stator Protection: Stator Protection - The type of stator faults likely to occur have been discussed already. The earth-fault current is usually limited by resistance in the neutral of the…
Generator Faults: Generator faults can be considered under the following heads. (a) Stator Faults: These include the following: Phase-to-earth faults. Phase-to-phase faults. Inter-turn faults. Most faults occur in the stator…