Percentage Biased Differential Relay

Percentage Biased Differential Relay: Percentage Biased Differential Relay - In order to avoid undesirable operation on heavy external faults due to CT errors and ratio change as a result of…

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Power Swings in Power System Protection

Power Swings in Power System Protection: The impedance measured or seen by a distance relay during normal load is shown in Fig. (5.29). Normally this would be outside the tripping…

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Differential Relay Application

Differential Relay Application: The principle of operation depends on a simple circulating current principle where the difference of the currents of the two CTs flows through the relay under normal…

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LED Seven Segment Display

LED Seven Segment Display: The arrangement of a LED Seven Segment Display is shown in Fig. 20-6(a). The actual LED devices are very small, so, to enlarge the lighted surface,…

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Synchronous Motors Types

Synchronous Motors Types: Commonly used Synchronous Motors Types are: wound field, permanent magnet, synchronous reluctance and hysteresis motors. All these motors have a stator with a 3-phase winding, which is…

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Color TV Transmission

Color TV Transmission: Having discussed the manner of indicating luminance and the two components of chrominance in Color TV Transmission, it is now necessary to investigate how they may be,…

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TV Video Waveform

TV Video Waveform: Blanking - TV Video Waveform voltage is limited to certain amplitude limits. Thus, for example, the white level corresponds to 12.5 percent (±2.5 percent) modulation of the…

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