Wideband Antenna Types

Wideband Antenna Types: It is often desirable to have an antenna capable of operating over a wide frequency range. This may occur because a number of widely spaced channels are…

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Noise in Communication Systems Articles

Noise in Communication Systems Articles: External Noise in Communication System: The various forms of External Noise in Communication System created outside the receiver are namely 1. Atmospheric Noise, 2. Extraterrestrial…

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Generation of Amplitude Modulation

Generation of Amplitude Modulation: There are two types of devices in which it may be necessary to the Generation of Amplitude Modulation. The first of these, the AM transmitter, generates…

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Symmetrical Fault Articles

Symmetrical Fault Articles: Symmetrical Faults on 3 Phase System: Most of the Symmetrical Faults on 3 Phase System on the power system lead to a short-circuit condition. When such a…

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Protection of Alternators and Transformers Articles

Protection of Alternators and Transformers Articles: Protection of Alternators: The generating units, especially the larger ones, are relatively few in number and higher in individual cost than most other equipment’s.…

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Optimal System Articles

Optimal System Articles: Introduction to Optimal System Operation: The optimal system operation, in general, involved the consideration of economy of operation, system security, emissions at certain fossil-fuel plants, optimal releases…

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Load Flow Studies Articles

Load Flow Studies Articles: One Line Diagram of the 4 Bus System: A power system comprises several buses which are interconnected by means of transmission lines. Power is injected into…

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