Electric Field Stress

Electric Field Stress: Electric Field Stress - In modern times, high voltages are used for a wide variety of applications covering the power systems, industry, and research laboratories. Such applications…

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Electric Drive Motor

Electric Drive Motor: Motion control is required in large number of industrial and domestic applications like transportation systems, rolling mills, paper machines, textile mills, machine tools, fans, pumps, robots, washing…

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Development of Electric Power Industry

Development of Electric Power Industry: The basic human need for safe, efficient, and affordable light became the driving force which led to the Development of Electric Power Industry of today's…

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Nonlinear Distortion Measurements

Nonlinear Distortion Measurements: One of the methods of Nonlinear Distortion Measurements consists of simulta­neously applying two sinusoidal voltages of different frequencies to the amplifier input and observing the sum, difference…

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RF UHF field strength meter circuit

RF UHF field strength meter circuit: There are two general methods available for determination of RF UHF field strength meter circuit. One is the standard antenna method. In this, use…

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Magnetic Flow Meters

Magnetic Flow Meters: Magnetic Flow Meters are the first type of flowmeters to be considered for high corrosive applications and for applications involving measurement of erosive slurries. These meters work…

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Video Test Pattern Generator

Video Test Pattern Generator: A pattern generator provides video signals directly, and with RF modulation, on standard TV channels for alignment, testing and servicing of TV receivers. The output signal…

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Marker Generator

Marker Generator Block Diagram: Marker Generator - The sweep generator provides a visual display of the characteristics of the circuit or amplifier, but this is inadequate because it does not…

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