Generator Faults
Generator Faults: Generator faults can be considered under the following heads. (a) Stator Faults: These include the following: Phase-to-earth faults. Phase-to-phase faults. Inter-turn faults. Most faults occur in the stator…
Generator Faults: Generator faults can be considered under the following heads. (a) Stator Faults: These include the following: Phase-to-earth faults. Phase-to-phase faults. Inter-turn faults. Most faults occur in the stator…
Important Questions of Voltage Control: 1. Discuss the importance of voltage control in the modern power system. 2. What are the various methods of voltage control in a power system…
Audio Power Amplifiers Articles: Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier: Class A Circuit – Instead of capacitor coupling, a Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier may be used to ac couple amplifier…
Diode Applications Articles: Half Wave Rectifier Circuit: A basic diode Half Wave Rectifier Circuit is shown in Fig. 3-1(a). An alternating input voltage is applied to a single diode connected…
Power Supply Decoupling: Power Supply Decoupling - High-power amplifiers require high supply current levels, so unregulated power supplies are often employed to avoid the power wasted in a series regulator.…
Output Current Limiting: Because the output transistors can be destroyed by excessive current flow, output current limiting circuits are often included in a power amplifier. Figure 18-27 shows the typical…
Step Down Converter: A step-down switching regulator, or Step Down Converter (also termed a buck converter), produces a dc output voltage lower than its input voltage. The basic circuit arrangement…
Short Circuit Protection Circuit: Power supplies used in laboratories are subject to overloads and short circuits. Short Circuit Protection Circuit by means of current limiting circuits is necessary in such…