Principles of Power System Articles

Principles of Power System Articles: This Principles of Power System Articles which includes the following topics: Electrical Energy Definition Different Types of Energy Sources Unit of Energy Energy Efficiency Definition…

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Surge Voltage

Surge Voltage and its Distribution and Control: The design of power apparatus particularly at high voltages is governed by their transient behavior. The transient high voltages or surge voltages originate…

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PN Junction Semiconductor

PN Junction Semiconductor: Two blocks of PN Junction Semiconductor material are represented in Fig. 1-17; one block is p-type material, and the other is n-type. The small circles in the…

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Conduction in Solids

Conduction in Solids: Conduction in Solids or any given material occurs when an applied voltage causes electrons within the material to move in a desired direction. This may be due…

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PLC Hardware

PLC Hardware: PLC hardware falls into the following physical configuration: Fixed Input/ Output (I/O) and Modular I/O. 1.Fixed 1/0 PLCs A fixed PLC Hardware consists of a fixed, or built-in,…

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PLC Basic Process

PLC Basic Process: A PLC Basic Process is basically made up of the following sections, each of which has a unique function to perform in its operation. The sections are:…

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DC Inputs

DC Inputs: The, dc inputs modules commonly available will work with 5, 12, 24 and 48 volts. The DC Inputs modules allow us to connect either PNP (sourcing) or NPN (sinking)…

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