What is Current Foldback?

What is Current Foldback? The current limiting technique maintains a constant load current at some specified value and under overload condition, the Vout drops to zero. But, in case of…

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LM340 Series Voltage Regulator

LM340 Series Voltage Regulator: This LM340 Series Voltage Regulator is typical of the three-terminal voltage regulators. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 43.27. The built-in reference voltage Vref drives…

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Adjustable Voltage Regulators

Adjustable Voltage Regulators: Sometimes variable voltage is required and under such a situation adjustable voltage regulators is used. A number of IC regulators, like LM317, LM338, and LM350, are adjustable…

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Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator

Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator: As we have seen many times previously, positive and negative regulated power supply voltages are often required. In response, many manufacturers have developed negative three-terminal regulators.…

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Fixed Positive Voltage Regulators

Fixed Positive Voltage Regulators: The series 7800 regulators provide eight voltage options, rang­ing from 5 to 24 V, as indicated in Table 43.2. These ICs are designed as fixed voltage…

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