Future Development of Utilization of Electrical Power
Future Development of Utilization of Electrical Power: As this is being written the whole energy field is so clouded in uncertainties that it would be foolish to attempt any quantitative…
Future Development of Utilization of Electrical Power: As this is being written the whole energy field is so clouded in uncertainties that it would be foolish to attempt any quantitative…
Bolometer: Bolometric measurements are based on the dissipation of RF power in a small temperature sensitive resistive element, called a Bolometer. This bolometer may be a short ultra thin wire…
Principles of Communication Systems: In a broad sense, the term Principles of Communication Systems refers to the sending, receiving and processing of information by electronic means. Communications started with wire…
Op Amp Comparator Circuit: Op Amp Comparator Circuit - In the opamp applications discussed so far, the amplifiers use negative feedback. Under normal conditions, when negative feedback is used in…
Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge: Beta Gauge - A common and characteristic feature of a radioactive element is that they disintegrate spontaneously to produce fresh radioactive elements called daughter…
Thermocouple Connection: One of the most commonly used methods of measurement of moderately high temperature is the thermocouple effect. When a pair of wires made up of different metals is…
Types of Strain Gauge Transducer: Types of Strain Gauge Transducer are three types, namely Wire Strain Gauge Foil Strain Gauge Semiconductor Strain Gauge Wire Strain Gauge: Wire Strain Gauge has…
Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a dc source of current applied…