Define Suppression of Carrier

Define Suppression of Carrier: Three main systems are employed for the generation of SSB; the filter method, the phase cancellation method and the "third method." They differ from one another…

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Internal Noise in Communication System

Internal Noise in Communication System: Under the heading of Internal Noise in Communication System, we discuss noise created by any of the active or passive devices found in receivers. Such…

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8096 Microprocessor Functional Units

8096 Microprocessor Functional Units: Table 13.2 shows the list of major I/O functions provided by various 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units. Timers: The 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units has two 16 bit…

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Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles

Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles: Signal Conditioning System: The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first…

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Introduction to Communication Systems Articles

Introduction to Communication Systems Articles: Principles of Communication Systems: In a broad sense, the term Principles of Communication Systems refers to the sending, receiving and processing of information by electronic…

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Motor Control Articles

Motor Control Articles: Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters – Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric…

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Voltage Control Techniques for Inverters

Voltage Control Techniques for Inverters: It has already been mentioned that Inverter Control providing a variable frequency supply to three phase motors should be capable of providing a variable voltage.…

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