Ammeters Articles

Ammeters Articles: DC Ammeter: The PMMC galvanometer constitutes the basic movement of a dc ammeter. Since the coil winding of a basic movement is small and light, it can carry…

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Synchronous Machine Articles

Synchronous Machine Articles: What is Synchronous Motor | Construction | Advantages: A synchronous Motor is one of the important types of electric machines; in fact all generating machines at power…

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Series Resistance Microammeter

Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter as shown in Fig. 7.1. Only the…

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Electric Motor Cooling and Heating

Electric Motor Cooling and Heating: The geometry of an Electric Motor Cooling is too complex to predict accurately the heat flow and temperature distribution. This is a difficult task. A…

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What is Wave Analyzer?

What is Wave Analyzer?: It can be shown mathematically that any complex waveform is made up of a fundamental and its harmonics. It is often desired to measure the amplitude…

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Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration

Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration: The Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration such as: Skin effect Non uniform distribution of current along the heater wires Spurious capacitive…

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Types of Facts Controllers in Power System

Types of Facts Controllers in Power System: The development of FACTS controllers has followed two different approaches. The first approach employs reactive impedances or a tap changing transformer with thyristor…

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