Sensitivity Factor in Power System
Sensitivity Factor in Power System: A security analysis program is run in a load dispatch centre very quickly to help the operators. This can be attempted by carrying out an…
Sensitivity Factor in Power System: A security analysis program is run in a load dispatch centre very quickly to help the operators. This can be attempted by carrying out an…
Power System Security Analysis: Power System Security Analysis can be broken down into two major functions that are carried out in an operations control centre: Security assessment, and Security control.…
Recent Trends in Power System Stability: Recent Trends in Power System Stability in design of large alternators tend towards lower short circuit ratio (SCR = 1/Xd), which is achieved by…
What is Skin Effect and Proximity Effect?: What is Skin Effect and Proximity Effect? - The distribution of current throughout the cross-section of a conductor is uniform only when DC…
Deep Bar Rotor Induction Motor: In this type of Deep Bar Rotor Induction Motor construction, bars of narrow width are laid down in deep semi-enclosed  slots as shown in Fig.…
Synchronous Generator Ratings and Loss Dissipation: The Synchronous Generator Ratings and Loss Dissipation is its operating voltage, frequency, speed and kVA/MVA output at a specified power factor. In case of…
Types of Magnetic Leakage Flux in Induction Motor: The Magnetic Leakage Flux in Induction Motor is that flux which links only the stator or only the rotor windings. Because of…
Torque in Round Rotor Synchronous Machine: Torque in Round Rotor Synchronous Machine - When the stator and rotor windings of a machine both carry currents, they produce their own magnetic…