Turgo Turbine Working Principle
Turgo Turbine Working Principle: The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. It works with net heads…
Turgo Turbine Working Principle: The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. It works with net heads…
Bistable Multivibrator - Working and Types: A bistable multivibrator, as its name implies, has two stable states. It can stay in either of the two states indefinitely (as long as…
Transistor as a Switch Circuit Diagram and Working: The Transistor as a Switch Circuit Diagram and Working can be explained with the help of its output characteristics. Figure 31.2 shows…
Step Down Chopper with RLE Load Working Principle: The choppers are widely employed for speed control of dc motors in industrial and traction drives. Figure 27.30 (a) shows the basic…
Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier (or Converter): In case of Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier (or Converter) both positive and negative halves of ac supply are used and,…
Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier with Resistive Load and Inductive Load: In a Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier only one SCR is used in the circuit. It is…
UJT as Over Voltage Detector Circuit Diagram: UJT as Over Voltage Detector Circuit Diagram - A simple dc overvoltage detector circuit is given in Fig. 26.96. It operates on the…
Power BJT - Construction, Operation and its Characteristics: Power transistors are large-area devices. Because of differences in geometry and doping concentrations, their properties tend to vary from those of the…