Photodiode Operation and Characteristics

Photodiode Operation and Characteristics: Photodiode Operation - When a pn-Junction is reverse biased, a small reverse saturation current flows due to thermally generated holes and electrons being swept across the…

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UJT Circuit Diagram

UJT Circuit Diagram: UJT Circuit Diagram Operation : The Unijunction transistor (UJT) consists of a bar of lightly-doped n-type silicon with a block of p-type material on one side, [see…

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Silicon Bilateral Switch

Silicon Bilateral Switch: It might be convenient to think of a Silicon Bilateral Switch (SBS) as an SUS with a gate terminal, or as a low-current TRIAC. However, the SBS is…

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TRIAC Control Circuit Diagram

TRIAC Control Circuit Diagram: A TRIAC Control Circuit Diagram that allows approximately 180° of phase control is shown in Fig. 19-27(a). The waveforms in Fig. 19-27(b) illustrate the circuit operation.…

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SCR Applications Circuits

SCR Applications Circuits: SCR Applications Circuits : An SCR circuit is stable when it operates correctly: switching on and off only at the desired instants. Unwanted triggering (also called false…

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Bridge Tied Load Amplifier

Bridge Tied Load Amplifier: All of the power amplifiers already discussed have been single-ended (SE): meaning that they provide power to a load that has one terminal grounded and the…

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BJT Power Amplifier with Op Amp Driver

BJT Power Amplifier with Op Amp Driver: BJT Power Amplifier with Op Amp Driver Circuit Operation - The Class-AB power shown in Fig. 18-39 uses an operational amplifier (A1) for…

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