SCR Applications Circuits
SCR Applications Circuits: SCR Applications Circuits : An SCR circuit is stable when it operates correctly: switching on and off only at the desired instants. Unwanted triggering (also called false…
SCR Applications Circuits: SCR Applications Circuits : An SCR circuit is stable when it operates correctly: switching on and off only at the desired instants. Unwanted triggering (also called false…
Bridge Tied Load Amplifier: All of the power amplifiers already discussed have been single-ended (SE): meaning that they provide power to a load that has one terminal grounded and the…
Common Source Power Amplifier Using an Op Amp Driver Stage: Basic Circuit Operation - The Class-AB MOSFET Power Amplifier with OP Amp Driver Stage circuit in Fig. 18-45(a) consists of…
BJT Power Amplifier with Op Amp Driver: BJT Power Amplifier with Op Amp Driver Circuit Operation - The Class-AB power shown in Fig. 18-39 uses an operational amplifier (A1) for…
FET Biasing Articles: DC Load Line for FET: The DC Load Line for FET circuit is drawn on the device output characteristics (or drain characteristics) in exactly the same way…
Semiconductor Diodes Articles: PN Junction Diode Working Principle: A PN Junction Diode Working Principle explains about the ability to permit substantial current flow when forward-biased, and to block current when…
Power Supply Decoupling: Power Supply Decoupling - High-power amplifiers require high supply current levels, so unregulated power supplies are often employed to avoid the power wasted in a series regulator.…
Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The basic circuit of a Class-AB amplifier using a complementary emitter follower output stage and a Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage load is…