Tunnel Diode Applications
Tunnel Diode Applications: In all its Tunnel Diode Applications, the tunnel diode should be loosely coupled to its tuned circuit. With lumped components, this is done by means of a…
Tunnel Diode Applications: In all its Tunnel Diode Applications, the tunnel diode should be loosely coupled to its tuned circuit. With lumped components, this is done by means of a…
Tunnel Diode Equivalent Circuit: The Tunnel Diode Equivalent Circuit, when biased in the negative-resistance region, is shown in Figure 12-18. At all except the highest frequencies, the series resistance and…
Parametric Amplifier Types: The basic Parametric Amplifier Types have already been discussed in detail, but several others also exist. They differ from one another in the variable reactance used, the…
Parametric Amplifier: The parametric amplifier uses a device whose reactance is varied in such a manner that amplification results. It is low-noise because no resistance need be involved in the…
Frequency Multiplier Circuit: A typical Frequency Multiplier Circuit chain is shown in Figure 12-11, The first stage is a transistor crystal oscillator, operating in the VHF region, and this is…
Microwave Transistors: Silicon bipolar transistors were first on the microwave scene, followed by GaAs field-effect transistors. Indeed, FETs now have noticeably lower noise figures, and in the C band and…
Trapatt Diode Construction and Working: The Trapatt Diode Construction and Working is derived from and closely related to the IMPATT diode. Indeed, as pointed out near the beginning of this…
Waveguide Switch Design: It is often necessary to prevent microwave power from following a particular path, or to force it to follow another path; as at lower frequencies, the component…