Measurement of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Measurement of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter…

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Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles

Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles: DC Meter: The most commonly used dc meter is based on the fundamental principle of the motor. The motor action is produced by the flow of…

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Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles

Signal Conditioning in Instrumentation Articles: Signal Conditioning System: The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first…

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Bridges in Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Bridges in Electronic Instrumentation Articles: Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a…

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Synchronous Machine Articles

Synchronous Machine Articles: What is Synchronous Motor | Construction | Advantages: A synchronous Motor is one of the important types of electric machines; in fact all generating machines at power…

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Induction Machine Articles

Induction Machine Articles: Introduction to Induction Machine | Use of Induction Motor: The Introduction to Induction Machine is an important class of electric machines which finds wide applicability as a…

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Fractional Kilowatt Motors Articles

Fractional Kilowatt Motors Articles: Single Phase Induction Motor: A Single Phase Induction Motor comprises a single-phase distributed winding on the stator and normal squirrel-cage rotor as shown schematically in Fig.…

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