Cranes and Hoist Drives

Cranes and Hoist Drives: The Requirements of the Cranes and Hoist Drives are The motion of the crane hook is in all three dimensions. In crane drives, the acceleration and…

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Control of AC Motors Torque Control

Control of AC Motors Torque Control: From the foregoing discussion for Control of AC Motors Torque Control it is clear that the motors used for textile applications must have high starting…

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Ward Leonard Drive Transfer Function

Ward Leonard Drive Transfer Function: In the classical Ward Leonard Drive Transfer Function, the dc drive motor having constant excitation is supplied from a variable voltage generator, as shown in…

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Electric Motor Cooling and Heating

Electric Motor Cooling and Heating: The geometry of an Electric Motor Cooling is too complex to predict accurately the heat flow and temperature distribution. This is a difficult task. A…

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Methods to Leading Power Factor

Methods to Leading Power Factor: We have seen that a phase controlled converter requires reactive power for control and commutation. The harmonics do not contribute to the active power loading…

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