Armature Reaction in Synchronous Motor
Armature Reaction in Synchronous Motor: The Simple circuit model of the synchronous machine was obtained in Sec. 8.3 by making the assumption that the magnetic circuit of the machine is…
Armature Reaction in Synchronous Motor: The Simple circuit model of the synchronous machine was obtained in Sec. 8.3 by making the assumption that the magnetic circuit of the machine is…
Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor: By assuming linearity of the magnetic circuit, it is possible to obtain simple Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor. The validity of this assumption stems from…
External Characteristics of Compound Generator: External Characteristics of Compound Generator - The causes of voltage drop in the terminal voltage from no-load to full-load in a shunt generator can be…
Synchronous Generator Ratings and Loss Dissipation: The Synchronous Generator Ratings and Loss Dissipation is its operating voltage, frequency, speed and kVA/MVA output at a specified power factor. In case of…
Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor: Figure 5.36 shows a Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor with a round rotor. The rotor is initially stationary with fixed north-south poles created by dc…
Audio Frequency Transformer: Audio Frequency Transformer is used at the output stage of Audio Frequency electronic amplifier for matching the load to the output impedance of the power amplifier stage.…
Variable Frequency Transformer | Application: So far we have considered transformers which operate at fixed frequency (50 Hz). Their purpose is to transform electric power from one voltage level to…
Transformer Testing Methods: Two chief difficulties which do not warrant the Transformer Testing Methods by direct load test are: Large amount of energy has to be wasted in such a…