Darlington Connected Output Transistors
Darlington Connected Output Transistors: High-power transistors usually have low current gains, so relatively large base currents must flow into Q2 and Q3 to supply a high load current. This means…
Darlington Connected Output Transistors: High-power transistors usually have low current gains, so relatively large base currents must flow into Q2 and Q3 to supply a high load current. This means…
Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The basic circuit of a Class-AB amplifier using a complementary emitter follower output stage and a Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage load is…
IC Controller for Switching Regulators: The functional block diagram of a MC34063 integrated circuit controller is shown in Fig. 17-38. This IC is designed to be used as a variable…
Step Down Converter: A step-down switching regulator, or Step Down Converter (also termed a buck converter), produces a dc output voltage lower than its input voltage. The basic circuit arrangement…
Op Amp Voltage Regulators: Voltage Follower Regulator - Refer once again to the Op Amp Voltage Regulators circuit in Fig. 17-11. The complete error amplifier has two input terminals at…
Improving Regulator Performance: Error Amplifier Gain - The performance of a regulator is dependent on the voltage gain of the error amplifier. A higher gain amplifier gives better line and…
Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization Circuit: Output Amplitude - For all of the Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization Circuit discussed, the output voltage amplitude is determined by the amplifier maximum output swing. The output…
Schmitt Trigger Circuit Diagram: Inverting Schmitt Trigger - A Schmitt Trigger Circuit Diagram is a fast-operating voltage level detector. When the input voltage arrives at a level determined by the…