Improving Regulator Performance

Improving Regulator Performance: Error Amplifier Gain - The performance of a regulator is dependent on the voltage gain of the error amplifier. A higher gain amplifier gives better line and…

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Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization Circuit

Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization Circuit: Output Amplitude - For all of the Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization Circuit discussed, the output voltage amplitude is determined by the amplifier maximum output swing. The output…

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Schmitt Trigger Circuit Diagram

Schmitt Trigger Circuit Diagram: Inverting Schmitt Trigger - A Schmitt Trigger Circuit Diagram is a fast-operating voltage level detector. When the input voltage arrives at a level determined by the…

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MOSFET Construction and Characteristics

MOSFET Construction and Characteristics: Figure 9-28 shows the MOSFET Construction and Characteristics of a metal oxide semiconductor FET (MOSFET), also known as an insulated gate FET. Starting with a high-resistive…

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Integrated Circuit Components

Integrated Circuit Components: The Integrated Circuit Components are namely, Transistors and Diodes: The epitaxial planar diffusion process described already is normally employed for the manufacture of IC transistors and diodes. Collector,…

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Transistor Models and Parameters

Transistor Models and Parameters: T-Equivalent Circuit - Because a transistor consists of two pn-junctions with a common centre block, it should be possible to use two pn-junction ac equivalent circuits…

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Transistor Testing Circuit

Transistor Testing Circuit: In-Circuit Testing - A quick test to check if a transistor is operational can be performed while the device is still connected in a circuit. Consider Fig.…

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Common Base Transistor Characteristics

Common Base Transistor Characteristics: To investigate the Common Base Transistor Characteristics of a diode (a two-terminal device), several levels of forward or reverse bias voltage are applied and the resulting…

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