Two pulse half controlled bridge converter

Two pulse half controlled bridge converter: A Two pulse half controlled bridge converter is obtained by connecting a two pulse controlled midpoint converter in series with an uncontrolled one, as…

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Three pulse midpoint converter

Three pulse midpoint converter: These are basically three-phase converters, and are very popular because a 3-phase supply is readily available. 3-phase converters have a greater power capability than single phase…

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Types of Protective Relays

Types of Protective Relays: Basically, Types of Protective Relays are analogue-binary signal converters with measuring functions. The variables such as current, voltage, phase angle or frequency and derived values obtained…

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Static Relay

Static Relay: The term 'static relay' is generally referred to a relay incorporating solid state components like transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc. In this type of relay, the functions of…

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Electronic Communication Articles

Electronic Communication Articles: This Electronic Communication Articles which includes the following topics: Principles of Communication Systems Need of Modulation in Communication System Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System External Noise in…

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Electric Drives Articles

Electric Drives Articles: This Electric Drives Articles which includes the following topics: A Simple Electric Motor Characteristics of DC Motor Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor Speed Torque…

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Classification of Electrical Network

Classification of Electrical Network: The behaviour of the entire network depends on the behaviour and characteristics of its elements. Based on such characteristics electrical network can be classified as below…

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