Short Time Intermittent Duty

Short Time Intermittent Duty: Another class of duty for normally occurring loads is Short Time Intermittent Duty in which the load requires a constant power for a short interval of…

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Continuous Duty Motor

Continuous Duty Motor: There are two types of Continuous Duty Motor — continuous duty at constant load and continuous duty with variable load cycle. In the former the load torque remains…

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Chopper Fed DC Drives

Chopper Fed DC Drives: The variable voltage to the armature of a dc motor for speed control can be obtained from a dc chopper which is a single stage dc…

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Three Phase Drives

Three Phase Drives: Single phase drives discussed in the previous section are employed for low and medium powers. When the power of the drive is very large the three-phase converter…

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Torque Equation of DC Motor

Torque Equation of DC Motor: When dc voltage is applied to the armature of a dc motor with its field excited by dc, a torque is developed and the armature…

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3 Phase Induction Motor Construction

3 Phase Induction Motor Construction: A converter fed 3 Phase Induction Motor Construction has the following advantages over a line fed motor: 1.Smooth start up is guaranteed by variable frequency…

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Three pulse midpoint converter

Three pulse midpoint converter: These are basically three-phase converters, and are very popular because a 3-phase supply is readily available. 3-phase converters have a greater power capability than single phase…

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