Theory of PN Junction Diodes Articles
Theory of PN Junction Diodes Articles: Diode Failure Modes and Causes: We would certainly like for solid-state components to be 100% reliable but this is unfortunately not true. All solid-state…
Theory of PN Junction Diodes Articles: Diode Failure Modes and Causes: We would certainly like for solid-state components to be 100% reliable but this is unfortunately not true. All solid-state…
Switching Circuits Articles: What is Switching Circuit? In practice, we often need making (switching on) and breaking (switching off) of an electrical circuit. It is also desirable and sometimes essential…
Sinusoidal Oscillators Articles: What is Oscillator? – Types of Oscillators: An oscillator is the basic element of all ac signal sources and generates sinusoidal signals of known frequency and amplitude.…
Semiconductor Physics Articles: Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked…
Power Semiconductor Devices Articles: What is Thyristor? – Thyristor Family and its Applications: Thyristor is the general name given to a family of semiconductor devices having four layers with a…
Power Converters Articles: What is a Power Converter? Solid-state power converter are employed for obtaining the approÂpriate form of electrical energy such as direct current or adjustable-frequency alternating current (required…
Modulation and Demodulation Articles: Basic Block Diagram of Communication System: The Basic Block Diagram of Communication System is shown in Fig. 22.1. The essential components of a communication system are…
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Articles: Block Diagram of a General Purpose CRO and its workings: The modern time-domain General Purpose CRO, regardless of its sophistication, consists of the following main units.…