Starting of Electric Drives

Starting of Electric Drives: The most important processes associated with controlled electric drives are (i) starting, (ii) speed control (iii) braking, (iv) reversal of direction of rotation. All these are…

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Permanent Capacitor Single Phase Induction Motor

Permanent Capacitor Single Phase Induction Motor: Permanent capacitor single phase induction motor, also sometimes called the single-value capacitor—run motor, has two stator windings placed mutually 90 electrical de­grees apart. The…

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Capacitor-Start Capacitor-Run Single Phase Induction Motor

Capacitor-Start Capacitor-Run Single Phase Induction Motor: The capacitor-start capacitor-run motor is similar to capacitor-start, induction-run motor, except that the auxiliary winding and a capacitor remain connected in the circuit at…

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Three Phase AC Series Commutator Motor

Three Phase AC Series Commutator Motor: This machine has a 3-phase stator winding similar to that of an ordinary induction motor and may be wound for high voltage if required.…

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Types of Electric Drives

Types of Electric Drives: The various types of electric drives used in industry may be divided into three types, namely Group Drive, Individual Drive and Multi-motor drives. 1. Group Drive:…

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