Summation Device

Summation Device: Summation transformers and sequence networks as already discussed can combine a number of electrical quantities into a single quantity. The operational amplifier is commonly used as a mixer…

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Field Effect Transistor in Static Relay

Field Effect Transistor in Static Relay: Field Effect Transistor in Static Relay is a unipolar device as compared to bipolar transistor already discussed. It consists of a bar of semiconductor…

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Transistor Relays

Transistor Relays: These are the most widely accepted type of static relays, so much so that when we say static relays, we can safely infer transistor relays only. The transistor…

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Transductor Relay

Transductor Relay (Magnetic Amplifier Relay): Transductor Relay - Since relays now have to perform much more complicated functions, many types tend to become very complex mechanically, and hence costly, to…

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Static Relays Basics and Classification

Static Relays Basics and Classification: A Static Relays Basics refers to a relay in which the measurement or comparison of electrical quantities is done in a static network which is…

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Potential Transformer Tests

Potential Transformer Tests: The three Potential Transformer Tests are namely, Polarity check, Ratio check and Phasing check. Polarity check: Polarity check in Potential Transformer Tests is performed in the same…

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General Methods of Testing Protective Gear

General Methods of Testing Protective Gear: The General Methods of Testing Protective Gear are namely, Primary Injection, Secondary Injection, Measurement of Time, Primary Injection: These tests are limited by the…

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Types of Auto Reclosing

Types of Auto Reclosing: Types of Auto Reclosing can be broadly classified in two categories: Medium voltage auto-reclose where continuity of supply is the principal aim. High voltage auto-reclose where…

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