Auto Reclosing Scheme

Auto Reclosing Scheme: Auto Reclosing Scheme - It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system as they…

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Motor Protection

Motor Protection: Motor Protection - There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems affecting the choice of protection are independent of the…

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Prime Mover Protection

Prime Mover Protection: In the event of prime-mover failure the machine starts motoring meaning thereby that it draws electrical power from the system and drives the prime-mover. This condition imposes…

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Transformer Protection Types

Transformer Protection Types: Nature of Transformer Faults: Power transformers, being static, totally enclosed and oil immersed develop faults only rarely but the consequences of even a rare fault may be…

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Power Swings in Power System Protection

Power Swings in Power System Protection: The impedance measured or seen by a distance relay during normal load is shown in Fig. (5.29). Normally this would be outside the tripping…

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Differential Relay Application

Differential Relay Application: The principle of operation depends on a simple circulating current principle where the difference of the currents of the two CTs flows through the relay under normal…

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General Equation for Electromagnetic Relay

General Equation for Electromagnetic Relay: It has already been shown that when not more than two quantities are involved, the equation for the characteristic of the relay at the threshold…

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