Thermistor Operation

Thermistor Operation: The word thermistor is a combination of thermal and resistor. A thermistor is a resistor with definite thermal characteristics. Most thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient (NTC), but…

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Optocoupler Circuit Operation

Optocoupler Circuit Operation: An Optocoupler Circuit Operation (optoelectronic coupler) is essentially a photo-transistor and an LED combined in one package. Figure 20-35(a) and (b) shows the typical circuit and terminal…

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Crystal Equivalent Circuit

Crystal Equivalent Circuit: Crystal Equivalent Circuit - The output frequency of oscillator circuits is normally not as stable as required for a great many applications. The component values all have…

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FET Datasheet Specifications

FET Datasheet Specifications: Maximum Ratings - A portion of a FET Datasheet Specifications is reproduced in Fig. 9-17. As with other device data sheets, a device type number and brief description is…

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Heat Sink in Transistor

Heat Sink in Transistor: When power is dissipated in a transistor, the heat generated must flow from the collector-base junction to the case, and then to the surrounding atmosphere. When…

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Transistor Datasheet

Transistor Datasheet: To select a transistor for a particular application, the Transistor Datasheet provided by device manufacturers must be consulted. Most data sheets start off with the device type number…

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Discrete Transistor Packaging

Discrete Transistor Packaging: Discrete Transistor Packaging - Many low-power transistors are encapsuled in resin with protruding metal connecting leads, as illustrated in Fig. 7-24. This is known as a TO-92…

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