Semiconductor Diode Specifications

Semiconductor Diode Specifications: Diode Data Sheets - To select a suitable diode for a particular application, the data sheets, or Semiconductor Diode Specifications, provided by device manufacturers must be consulted.…

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Induction Motor Drives Articles

Induction Motor Drives Articles: Three Phase Induction Motors: Three Phase Induction Motors are of two types: squirrel-case and wound-rotor. In squirrel-cage, the rotor consists of longitudinal conductor-bars shorted by circular…

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Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters

Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters: Prior to development of Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters, inefficient power modulators were employed in several applications. While replacement of these power modulators by the…

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Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives

Semiconductor Converter Controlled Drives: These are now widely used both in ac and dc tractions involving dc and ac motors, and the conventional drives have all become outdated, and will…

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Features of Traction Drives

Features of Traction Drives: Various Features of Traction Drives are: 1. Large torque is required during start and acceleration in order to accelerate the heavy mass. 2. The motor is…

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Braking System in Train

Braking System in Train: Braking System in Train has number of advantages over mechanical braking. It reduces wear and tear on rails and wheels, substantially increasing their life. It is…

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Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction

Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction: In Coefficient of Adhesion in Traction, the task of driving equipment consists of pushing the carriage on which it is mounted and pulling coaches and…

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Electric Traction Services

Electric Traction Services: Electric Traction Services can be broadly classified as: Electric Trains. Electric buses, trams (or tramways) and trolleys. Battery driven and solar powered vehicles. Electric Trains: Electric trains…

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