Electric Converter
Electric Converter: Electric Converter - The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc supply is…
Electric Converter: Electric Converter - The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc supply is…
Selection of Power Generation Unit in Load Curve: The load on a Power Generation Unit is seldom constant; it varies from time to time. Obviously, a single generating unit (i.e.,…
Types of Load in Power System: what is load in power system : A device which taps electrical energy from the electric power system is called a load on the…
Variable Load on Power Station: The load on a power station varies from time to time due to uncertain demands of the consumers and is known as Variable Load on…
Gas Turbine Power Plant: A generating station which employs gas turbine as the prime mover for the generation of electrical energy is known as a gas turbine power plant In…
Nuclear Power Station: A generating station in which nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy is known as a nuclear power station. In nuclear power station, heavy elements such as…
Diesel Power Plant: A generating station in which diesel engine is used as the prime mover for the generation of electrical energy is known as Diesel Power Plant. In a…
Hydroelectric Power Station: A Generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high level for the generation of electrical energy is known as a Hydroelectric Power Station Hydroelectric…