Voltage Source and Current Source

Voltage Source and Current Source: According to their terminal Voltage Current Characteristics, electrical Sources of Energy are categorized into ideal voltage source and current source. Further they can be divided…

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Basic Components of Electric Circuit

Basic Components of Electric Circuit: The Basic Components of Electric Circuit consists of three parts: (1) energy source, such as battery or generator, (2) the load or sink, such as…

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Power and Energy Formula

Power and Energy Formula: Power and Energy Formula - Power is the rate of change of energy, and is denoted by either P or p. If certain amount of energy…

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PLC Hardware Components

PLC Hardware Components: 1. PLC Hardware Components - The input and output interface modules consists of an I/0 rack and individual I/O modules. Input interface modules, accept signals from the…

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PLC Hardware

PLC Hardware: PLC hardware falls into the following physical configuration: Fixed Input/ Output (I/O) and Modular I/O. 1.Fixed 1/0 PLCs A fixed PLC Hardware consists of a fixed, or built-in,…

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DC Inputs

DC Inputs: The, dc inputs modules commonly available will work with 5, 12, 24 and 48 volts. The DC Inputs modules allow us to connect either PNP (sourcing) or NPN (sinking)…

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PLC Definition

PLC Definition(Programmable Logic Controller or Program­mable Controller): PLC Definition - Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or commonly simply called a Program­mable Controller, is a solid state, digital, industrial computer. It is…

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Choice of Electronic Signal Transmission

Choice of Electronic Signal Transmission: The range of air pressure used for Signal Transmission in pneumatic system is limited by the dynamic operating range of the pneumatic devices used. But…

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