Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Motor
Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Motor: The Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Motor is the most important element of a power system. It converts mechanical power into electrical form and feeds it…
Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Motor: The Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Motor is the most important element of a power system. It converts mechanical power into electrical form and feeds it…
Per Unit System in Power System: Per Unit System in power system is usual to express voltage, current, voltamperes and impedance of an electrical circuit in per unit (or percentage)…
Inductance of Double Circuit Three Phase Line: It is common practice to build double circuit three phase Line so as to increase transmission reliability at somewhat enhanced cost. From the…
Inductance of Composite Conductor Lines: Future 2.6 shows such a single-phase line comprising inductance of composite conductor lines A and B with A having n parallel filaments and B having…
ACSR Conductor (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced): ACSR Conductor - So far we have considered transmission lines consisting of single solid cylindrical conductors for forward and return paths. To provide the…
Inductance of Single Phase Two Wire Line: Inductance of Single Phase Two Wire Line - Consider a simple Two Wire Line composed of solid round conductors carrying currents I1 and…
Problems of Power Sector in India: The electricity requirements of power sector in India have grown tremendously and the demand has been running ahead of supply. Electricity generation and transmission…
Electric and Magnetic Fields from Overhead Lines: Biological effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from Overhead Lines and even cables in close proximity of buildings have recently attracted attention and…