Vector Control of Induction Motor
Vector Control of Induction Motor: The sole idea behind the vector control of induction motor is to have an electrical drive which must offer superior performance than widely used separately…
Vector Control of Induction Motor: The sole idea behind the vector control of induction motor is to have an electrical drive which must offer superior performance than widely used separately…
Static Kramer Drive: The Static Kramer drive system which consists of variable-speed drive system shown in Fig. 11.43 consists of a slipring induction motor and a rectifier-fed dc motor. The…
Static Scherbius Drive Circuit Diagram: A basic scheme of a Static Scherbius Drive Circuit Diagram converter cascade, that is employed for recovery of slip power in electrical form itself, is…
Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters - Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric machines, signal electronics,…
Four Phase Stepper Motor: Four Phase Stepper Motor - The stepper motor is a special type of synchronous motor which is designed to rotate through a specific angle (called a…
Single Phase Induction Motor: A Single Phase Induction Motor comprises a single-phase distributed winding on the stator and normal squirrel-cage rotor as shown schematically in Fig. 10.1 wherein for convenience…
Development of a High Efficiency Induction Motor: With ever-increasing energy cost the life-time operating cost of an induction motor can be traded against a high efficiency and high capital cost…
Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor: In general, the mechanical time-constant for any machine is much larger than the electrical time constant. Therefore, the Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor can be…