Tap Changing Transformer
Tap Changing Transformer | Off Load Tap Changer |On Load Tap Changing: Tap Changing Transformer -Voltage variation in power systems is a normal phenomenon owing to the rapid growth of…
Tap Changing Transformer | Off Load Tap Changer |On Load Tap Changing: Tap Changing Transformer -Voltage variation in power systems is a normal phenomenon owing to the rapid growth of…
Three Phase Transformer Connections: In generation, transformation, transmission and utilization of electric energy it can be shown that it is economical to use the three-phase system rather than the single-phase.…
Autotransformer | Definition | Use of Auto transformer: So far two-winding transformers have been discussed wherein the windings are electrically isolated. When the primary and secondary windings are electrically connected…
Per Unit System: While carrying out the analysis of electrical machines (or electrical machine systems), it is usual to express voltage, current, VA and impedance in Per Unit System (or…
Construction of Transformer and types of transformer: Construction of Transformer is intimately related to the purpose for which these are to be used; winding voltage, current rating and operating frequencies.…
How does a Transformer Work and Purpose of Transformer: How does a Transformer Work - A Transformer Circuit is a static device comprising coils coupled through a magnetic medium connecting…
Integrated Circuits Articles: This Integrated Circuits Articles which includes the following topics: Integrated Circuit Definition Integrated Circuits Classification Basic Planar Process in IC Fabrication Vapour Phase Epitaxy Process Molecular Beam…
Electronic Instrumentation Articles: This Electronic Instrumentation Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation Static Characteristics of Measuring Instruments Errors in Measurement Types of Static Error and Sources…