Phase Locked Loop Control
Phase Locked Loop Control(PLL): A PI controller ideally should provide perfect speed regulation. However, due to imperfections in sensing and control circuits, the closed-loop schemes described earlier can at best…
Phase Locked Loop Control(PLL): A PI controller ideally should provide perfect speed regulation. However, due to imperfections in sensing and control circuits, the closed-loop schemes described earlier can at best…
Current Sensing of Electrical Drives: Current Sensing of Electrical Drives is required for the implementation of current limit control, inner current control loop of closed-loop speed control, closed-loop torque control…
Current Limit Control of Drives: Current Limit Control of Drives scheme of Fig. 3.3 is employed to limit the converter and motor current below a safe limit during transient operations.…
Color Television Receiver Block Diagram: Figure 17-25 shows the block diagram of a Color Television Receiver Block Diagram, but for simplicity the circuits shown in Figure 17-23 are omitted. Interconnection…
Color TV Transmission: Having discussed the manner of indicating luminance and the two components of chrominance in Color TV Transmission, it is now necessary to investigate how they may be,…
Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram: Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram as shown in Figure 17-9, TV receivers use the superheterodyne principle. There is extensive pulse circuitry, to ensure that the…
Monochrome Television Transmitter: As shown in the block diagram of Figure 17-2, a Monochrome Television Transmitter system is quite unlike any of the transmission systems studied previously. This section will…
CW Doppler Radar Block Diagram: A simple CW Doppler Radar Block Diagram, such as the one shown in Figure 16-14, sends out continuous sine waves rather than pulses. It uses…