Microprocessor Controlled Bridge

Microprocessor Controlled Bridge: Microprocessor Controlled Bridge - Digital computers have been used in conjunction with test systems, bridges, and process controllers for several years. In these applications, computers were used…

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Fully Automatic Digital Instrument

Fully Automatic Digital Instrument: Fully Automatic Digital Instrument - A multimeter with automatic polarity indication, automatic zero correction and automatic ranging (of course coupled with automatic decimal point indication) only…

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Sine Wave Equation

Sine Wave Equation: A Sine Wave Equation is graphically represented as shown in Fig. 4.10(a). The amplitude of a sine wave is represented on vertical axis. The angular measurement (in…

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Phase of Sine Wave

Phase of Sine Wave: Phase of Sine Wave - A sine wave can be measured along the X-axis on a time base which is frequency-dependent. A sine wave can also…

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Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker

Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker: The Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker in a plant enables us to test under conditions largely representing those in actual network as well as tests…

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Circuit Breaker Tester Classification

Circuit Breaker Tester Classification: Circuit Breaker Tester can be classified into two main groups, viz. (i) type tests and (ii) routine tests. Type Tests: These are performed solely for the…

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Static Relays Basics and Classification

Static Relays Basics and Classification: A Static Relays Basics refers to a relay in which the measurement or comparison of electrical quantities is done in a static network which is…

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Components of Protection System

Components of Protection System: Some of the more commonly used Components of Protection System are Relays Circuit Breakers Tripping and Other Auxiliary Supplies Current Transformer (CT) Voltage Transformers (VT) Linear…

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