Frequency Domain Network Function

Frequency Domain Network Function: As the frequency domain network function is a complex function, it can be expressed mathematically in two ways i.e. using rectangular coordinates or using polar coordinates.…

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Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar

Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar: The greatest limitation of Doppler radar, i.e., its inability to measure range, may be overcome if the transmitted carrier is Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar.…

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High Frequency Limitations

High Frequency Limitations: As stated, transistors suffer from High Frequency Limitations. These are of a twofold nature. On the one hand, there are the same difficulties as those encountered with…

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Measurement of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Measurement of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter…

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Qualities of Measurement Articles

Qualities of Measurement Articles: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation which serves not only science but all branches of engineering, medicine, and almost every human endeavour. The knowledge…

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