Heterodyne Wave Analyzer

Heterodyne Wave Analyzer: Wave analyzers are useful for measurement in the audio frequency range only. For measurements in the RF range and above (MHz range), an ordinary wave analyzer cannot…

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What is Wave Analyzer?

What is Wave Analyzer?: It can be shown mathematically that any complex waveform is made up of a fundamental and its harmonics. It is often desired to measure the amplitude…

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Block Diagram of Sweep Generator

Block Diagram of Sweep Generator: Block Diagram of Sweep Generator - It provides a sinusoidal output voltage whose frequency varies smoothly and continuously over an entire frequency band, usually at…

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What is Signal Generator?

What is Signal Generator?: What is Signal Generator? : A signal generator is a vital component in a test setup, and in electronic troubleshooting and development, whether on a service…

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Oscilloscope Operating Precautions

Oscilloscope Operating Precautions: In addition to the general safety precautions, the following specific precautions should be observed when operating any type of oscilloscope. Most of the Oscilloscope Operating Precautions also…

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Attenuators: Attenuators are designed to change the magnitude of the input signal seen at the input stage, while presenting a constant impedance on all ranges at the attenuator input. A…

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