Audio Frequency Transformer

Audio Frequency Transformer: Audio Frequency Transformer is used at the output stage of Audio Frequency electronic amplifier for matching the load to the output impedance of the power amplifier stage.…

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Variable Frequency Transformer

Variable Frequency Transformer | Application: So far we have considered transformers which operate at fixed frequency (50 Hz). Their purpose is to transform electric power from one voltage level to…

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Atomic frequency standards and clocks

Atomic frequency standards and clocks: Atomic frequency standards and clocks - The measurement of time has two different aspects, civil and scientific. In most scientific work, it is desired to…

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Communication Receiver Block Diagram

Communication Receiver Block Diagram: A Communication Receiver Block Diagram is one whose main function is the reception of signals used for communications rather than for entertainment. It is a radio…

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Testing of Materials Articles

Testing of Materials Articles: Direct Current Resistivity Method: The specimen shape and the electrode arrangement should be such that the Direct Current Resistivity Method can be easily calculated. For a…

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Oscilloscope Articles

Oscilloscope Articles: Introduction to Oscilloscopes: The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is probably the most versatile tool for the development of electronic circuits and systems. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope allows the amplitude…

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Schering Bridge Theory

Schering Bridge Theory for Three Terminal Measurement: For two terminal measurements the bridge is grounded at its junction points. The supply transformer, detector, and all the components of the bridge…

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