Generator Faults

Generator Faults: Generator faults can be considered under the following heads. (a) Stator Faults: These include the following: Phase-to-earth faults. Phase-to-phase faults. Inter-turn faults. Most faults occur in the stator…

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External Fault Backup Protection for Generators

External Fault Backup Protection for Generators: Overcurrent and earth fault protection is provided for backup protection of large sized (above 1 MVA) generators protected by differential protection against external phase-to-phase…

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Loss of Excitation Protection in Generator

Loss of Excitation Protection in Generator: Loss of excitation protection in generator can endanger the generator or the connected system or both. It is caused by accidental tripping of field…

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Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection

Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection: Merz-Price circulating current protection system does not provide protection against turn-to-turn faults (short circuits between the turns) on the same phase winding of the stator…

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Percentage Differential Relay Protection of Generator

Percentage Differential Relay Protection of Generator: This system, also called the Merz-Price protection system, is the most common type of protection used for stator windings against phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground faults.…

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