Types of Auto Reclosing

Types of Auto Reclosing: Types of Auto Reclosing can be broadly classified in two categories: Medium voltage auto-reclose where continuity of supply is the principal aim. High voltage auto-reclose where…

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Auto Reclosing Scheme

Auto Reclosing Scheme: Auto Reclosing Scheme - It is well realized that the transient faults which are most frequent in occurrence do no permanent damage to the system as they…

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Bus Zone Protection

Bus Zone Protection: Bus Zone Protection includes, besides the bus itself the apparatus such as circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, instrument transformers and bus sectionalizing reactors, etc. Although bus zone faults…

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Motor Protection

Motor Protection: Motor Protection - There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems affecting the choice of protection are independent of the…

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Loss of Excitation Protection

Loss of Excitation Protection: Two distinct effects of Loss of Excitation Protection are that the machine starts drawing magnetizing current of large magnitude from the system, and the slip frequency…

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Rotor Protection

Rotor Protection: Rotor Protection - As pointed earlier rotor windings may be damaged by earth faults or open circuits. Figure (6.16) shows a modern method of rotor earth-fault detection. The…

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