LM340 Series Voltage Regulator

LM340 Series Voltage Regulator: This LM340 Series Voltage Regulator is typical of the three-terminal voltage regulators. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 43.27. The built-in reference voltage Vref drives…

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Silicon Controlled Rectifier Principle Operation

Silicon Controlled Rectifier Principle Operation: Silicon Controlled Rectifier Principle Operation (SCR) consists of four layers of semiconductor material, alternately p-type and n-type as illustrated in Fig. 19-1(a). Because of its…

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Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver

Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver: The LM391 integrated circuit Audio Power Amplifier using IC Amplifier Driver contains amplification and driver stages for controlling an externally-connected Class-AB output stage…

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Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage

Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The basic circuit of a Class-AB amplifier using a complementary emitter follower output stage and a Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage load is…

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Switching Regulator Operation

Switching Regulator Operation: A Switching Regulator Operation can be thought of as similar to a linear regulator, but with the series-pass transistor operating as a switch that is either off,…

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IC Linear Voltage Regulators

IC Linear Voltage Regulators: 723 IC Regulator - The basic circuit of a 723 IC Linear Voltage Regulators in a dual-in-line package is shown in Fig. 17-20. This IC has…

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