Electronics Engineering Articles

Electronics Engineering Articles: This Electronics Engineering Articles which includes the following topics: Gate Turn Off Thyristor (GTO) – Symbol, Operations and Applications Types of Power Supply in Electronics What is…

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What is a Power Converter?

What is a Power Converter? Solid-state power converter are employed for obtaining the appro­priate form of electrical energy such as direct current or adjustable-frequency alternating current (required to operate most…

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Classification of Power Amplifiers

Classification of Power Amplifiers: Classification of Power Amplifiers are primarily divided into two categories viz. audio power amplifiers and radio power amplifiers. Audio power amplifiers, also called the small signal…

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Measurement of Electrical Quantities

Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Measurement of electrical quantities which includes Measurement of Voltage Measurement of Current Frequency Measurement Phase-Angle Measurement Power-Factor Measurement Impedance Measurement VA Measurement Power Measurement VAR Measurement…

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DC Circuit Breaker

DC Circuit Breaker: Light duty DC Circuit Breaker have been in use since long. However, with the latest developments in HVDC transmission there would naturally be the necessity of the…

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