FET as a Voltage Variable Resistor (VVR)
FET as a Voltage Variable Resistor (VVR): FET is a device that is usually operated in the constant-current portion of its output characteristics. But if it is operated in the…
FET as a Voltage Variable Resistor (VVR): FET is a device that is usually operated in the constant-current portion of its output characteristics. But if it is operated in the…
FET Biasing Methods - Fixed Bias, Self Bias, Potential Divider Bias and Current Source Bias: Unlike BJTs, thermal runaway does not occur with FETs. However, the wide differences in maximum…
FET Configurations: FETs (JFETs and MOSFETs) have three configurations just as BJTs have. The three FET Configurations—the common gate, common source, and common drain configuration have been given in Fig.…
FET Biasing Articles: DC Load Line for FET: The DC Load Line for FET circuit is drawn on the device output characteristics (or drain characteristics) in exactly the same way…
FET Equivalent Circuit Model: The complete FET Equivalent Circuit Model is shown in Fig. 11-5(a). It is seen that tilt source terminal is common to both input and out, so…
Biasing FET Switching Circuits: JFET Switching - A Biasing FET Switching Circuits is normally in an off state with zero drain current, or in an on state with a very…
MOSFET Biasing Circuits: DE-MOSFET Bias Circuits - DE-MOSFET bias circuits are similar to JFET bias circuits. Any of the FET bias circuits already discussed can be used to produce a…
Voltage Divider Bias Circuit: For the self-bias circuit, it was seen that increasing the resistance of RS brings ID(max)Â and ID(min)Â closer together, but that increased RS values result in lower ID…