Starting of Electric Drives
Starting of Electric Drives: The most important processes associated with controlled electric drives are (i) starting, (ii) speed control (iii) braking, (iv) reversal of direction of rotation. All these are…
Starting of Electric Drives: The most important processes associated with controlled electric drives are (i) starting, (ii) speed control (iii) braking, (iv) reversal of direction of rotation. All these are…
Magnetic Contactor - Definition, Working Principle and Types: Magnetic Contactor is a electromagnetically operated switches that provide a safe and convenient means for repeatedly making and breaking branch circuits. The…
Magnetic Amplifier - Working Principle and Applications: In a magnetic amplifier, the basic component is a steel-cored coil with an additional winding energized by direct current. It is intended for…
Dielectric Heating - Working, Advantages and Applications: When non-metallic parts such as wood, plastics, bones are subjected to an alternating electrostatic field dielectric loss occurs. In dielectric heating use of…
Resistance Heating - Types, Advantages and Applications: Resistance heating is based upon the I2R effect. This method of heating has wide applicaÂtions such as heat treatment of metals (annealing, hardenÂing…
Different Groups of Systems of Electric Traction: As already mentioned, systems of electric traction may be divided into two main groups. (1) The group consisting of vehicles which receive electric…
Series Parallel Controller with Reversing Drum: A Series Parallel Controller with Reversing Drum (with shunt transition) for two series motors is shown in Fig. 13.11. In addition to its primary…
Methods of Booster Transformer in Electric Traction: In ac traction system return current mainly flows to the substation through track leaving a small portion, which flows through ground because of…