Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) – Working Principle
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) - Working Principle: Pressurized Water Reactor uses enriched U as fuel. In this reactor, water is used as coolant and moderator. The water passes through the…
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) - Working Principle: Pressurized Water Reactor uses enriched U as fuel. In this reactor, water is used as coolant and moderator. The water passes through the…
La Mont Boiler Construction and Working: This type of boiler was introduced by Lamont in 1925. The arrangement of La Mont Boiler Construction and Working is shown in the Fig.…
Layout of Modern Coal Power Plant or Steam Power Plant: In Coal Power Plant or Steam Power Plant, the water is converted into steam and the steam expanded in a…
Reheat Cycle in Steam Power Plant: Reheat Cycle: If the dryness fraction of steam leaving the turbine is less than 0.88, then corrosion and erosion of turbine blades occur. To…
Commutating Capacitor in Bistable Multivibrator or Speed up Capacitor: Commutating Capacitor in Bistable Multivibrator is also called as Speed up Capacitor. Whenever a triggering pulse is applied to change the…
Monostable Multivibrator - Operation, Types and Application: Monostable multivibrator is a two-stage amplifier with two states—one stable state and another quasi-stable state. The circuit has two transistors Q1 and Q2,…
Astable Multivibrator Definition and its Working: The multivibrator circuit which has no stable state is called the astable multivibrator. The two states of operation of astable multivibrators are quasi-stable (temporary)…
Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier with Resistive Load and Inductive Load: In a Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier only one SCR is used in the circuit. It is…