Transistor Use in Static Relay

Transistor Use in Static Relay: Transistor Use in Static Relay - In its simplest form, it consists of two pn junction diodes coupled together by a very thin common base,…

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Static Relays Basics and Classification

Static Relays Basics and Classification: A Static Relays Basics refers to a relay in which the measurement or comparison of electrical quantities is done in a static network which is…

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General Methods of Testing Protective Gear

General Methods of Testing Protective Gear: The General Methods of Testing Protective Gear are namely, Primary Injection, Secondary Injection, Measurement of Time, Primary Injection: These tests are limited by the…

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Classification of Relay Testing

Classification of Relay Testing: Classification of Relay Testing are usually conducted to demonstrate that: the relay will operate correctly to clear a fault; and the relay will remain inoperative on…

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Star Winding and Delta Winding

Star Winding and Delta Winding: Star Winding and Delta Winding - The magnitude of earth-fault current for a given fault position within a winding depends upon the winding connections and…

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Differential Protection of Transformers

Differential Protection of Transformers: Differential Protection of Transformers is the most important type of protection used for internal phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults and is generally applied to transformers having ratings…

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Phase Comparison Carrier Protection

Phase Comparison Carrier Protection: The phase comparison pilot-relaying operates on the principle of comparing the phase position of the currents at the two ends of the protected section. The Phase…

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Carrier Pilot Protection

Carrier Pilot Protection and Microwave Pilot Protection: The problem of providing economically an auxiliary channel by means of pilots for long lines directed attention to carrier techniques. In this case…

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